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So far Adelaide has created 138 blog entries.

Sleep Tight: How Smarter Sleep Habits Can Lead to a Better Night’s Rest


Did you know that there is a very simple key to living longer? It’s a remedy that also enhances your memory, makes you more creative, slows aging, keeps you healthy, prevents disease, and makes you happier overall. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Sleep Tight: How Smarter Sleep Habits Can Lead to a Better Night’s Rest2022-03-28T09:07:07-05:00

Is Mold Toxicity Causing Your Health Issues?


You’ve seen it. You’ve heard about it. You may even have some of it lurking in your basement. But do you know just how much it can actually influence your health? Mold is everywhere. It travels through the air outside and inside in the form of spores, and you inhale them regularly. For the most part, these spores are harmless. But the real trouble comes when spores find patches of moisture and grow into toxic mold that can continue to grow in places where you spend a lot of time — like your home or your office building. When toxic mold is present indoors in your space, it becomes a much more constant threat to your health.

Is Mold Toxicity Causing Your Health Issues?2022-03-22T17:10:43-05:00

Increase Your Stability Through the Core Four


It’s easy to go through daily life without even thinking about what your body is doing. Going up and down the stairs, doing laundry, picking up your child or grandchild, or even exercising are routine activities that your body becomes used to performing. But it’s often activities like these that can lead to imbalances or even injury if your muscles — particularly your core — aren’t properly engaged and stabilized.

Increase Your Stability Through the Core Four2024-10-22T10:07:34-05:00

Mindful Eating for a Healthy Weight and a Happy Gut


Imagine you’re on a diet, but one day, you have an irresistible craving for a cookie, which isn’t a part of your diet. But you just have to have the cookie, so you decide to eat one. How do you go about eating that cookie? Do you stand over the sink and eat it quickly to get it over with and fulfill your craving? Or do you sit down, put the cookie on a plate, make a cup of tea, and really take the time to savor every bite?

Mindful Eating for a Healthy Weight and a Happy Gut2022-02-10T10:27:56-06:00

Find the “Why” Behind Your Goals


“New year, new me!” You’ve probably heard this optimistic phrase, and probably even used it at some point. It’s that time of year when many people are aiming for a fresh start, making New Year’s resolutions, and setting goals for the year. Do you want to eat healthier? Exercise more? Start meditating? Improve your relationships?

Find the “Why” Behind Your Goals2022-01-10T16:44:37-06:00

How to Keep Your Skin Glowing All Winter


Did you know that your skin loses more than 25% of its ability to hold moisture in the wintertime? As the colder weather creeps in, the air becomes drier and actually pulls moisture from your skin. Not only that, but your heaters and fireplaces also have a dehydrating and drying effect. Take a look at these five tips from PALM Health’s lead esthetician, Tommy Tenholder, on how to adjust your skincare routine during the colder months.

How to Keep Your Skin Glowing All Winter2022-11-10T15:45:42-06:00

5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Doctor’s Visit


Going to the doctor can be a bit nerve-wracking sometimes. Whether you’re going for a specific issue or symptom, or just having your annual checkup, it’s important to feel ready and to know how to communicate efficiently with your doctor to ensure a productive visit. Consider these five tips on how to best prepare for your next appointment.

5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Doctor’s Visit2023-08-21T16:52:55-05:00

The Importance of Silence in Self-Growth


When was the last time you were truly bored? What did you do when you felt that way? Like most people, maybe you picked up your phone, or turned on the TV. Now think about what you did as a child when you were bored for a prolonged period of time. You played pretend, went outside and made up games, or created something. After moving past the initial discomfort that comes with boredom, you unlocked your purest form of imagination and creativity.

The Importance of Silence in Self-Growth2024-12-20T15:16:50-06:00

6 Tips for More Restful Sleep


Do you ever find yourself lying awake in bed, unable to fall asleep? Or maybe you wake up multiple times throughout the night? Operating on little sleep can be frustrating and challenging. The good news is, there are plenty of things you can try at home to get your sleep schedule back on track. Sarah Bird, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner at PALM Health, has some helpful tips for you to reap the benefits of a good night’s rest.

6 Tips for More Restful Sleep2022-03-31T13:37:22-05:00

How Conditioning Shifts Your Perspective


Imagine a closet in the back corner of your brain. It’s packed full of worries, stressors, and struggles that are unique to your life. As you move through your day-to-day tasks, it’s very common to take any negative feelings and lock them in your mind’s closet, willing them to go away. This is what most of us have been taught to do; push negative and harmful thoughts to the back of our minds.

How Conditioning Shifts Your Perspective2021-10-06T16:27:06-05:00

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