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So far Adelaide has created 138 blog entries.

Your Questions About Weight Loss Medications, Answered


There’s been a lot of information buzzing around about medication for weight loss recently — and if you’re interested in trying weight loss medication, it’s important to understand how it works, figure out whether or not it’s right for you, and make sure you’re adequately supported.

Your Questions About Weight Loss Medications, Answered2024-11-05T08:50:45-06:00

Food for a Healthier Brain: 4 Nutrients to Look For


Did you know that the food you eat affects your cognitive health? Your gut and your brain are connected through your vagus nerve, one of your main parasympathetic nerves. We call this the “gut-brain axis.” Through the gut-brain axis, your gut and your brain are in constant communication with each other and influence one another.

Food for a Healthier Brain: 4 Nutrients to Look For2025-01-29T16:17:05-06:00

The Key to Changing Unhealthy Thought Patterns


“Cultivation of the mind is as necessary as food to the body.” As the philosopher Cicero implied in this quote, there are ways to nourish your body, and there are equally important ways to nourish your mind. You probably know how important it is to pay attention to what you’re putting in your body — if your diet is rich with nutritionally dense foods like vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats, your gut will be healthier, your brain will function better, and your risk of chronic disease will decrease. In short, you have to feed your body well in order to thrive and grow in health. The same goes for your mind and your thoughts.

The Key to Changing Unhealthy Thought Patterns2023-05-18T16:33:31-05:00

The Neuroscience Behind Anxiety – and How to Train Your Brain Out of It


What situations or triggers typically make you feel anxious? Large social settings or interactions with others? Upcoming presentations or public speaking? Deadlines or growing to-do lists? These situational instances of anxiety are common to us all, but over time, they often morph into persistent or chronic anxiety. Although there are a multitude of triggers and it manifests differently in our behaviors and emotions, anxiety can always be traced back to a specific type of pattern in your brain’s electrical activity.

The Neuroscience Behind Anxiety – and How to Train Your Brain Out of It2023-05-12T09:35:46-05:00

The Esthetician-Recommended Route to Youthful, Clear Skin


You may have heard about the latest skincare trend that’s all over the internet: skin cycling. From anti-aging to acne treatment to lightening scars and hyperpigmentation, skin cycling has emerged as a simple, easy-to-follow, and effective skincare regimen that works towards all of those benefits. But what is skin cycling, and how does it work?

The Esthetician-Recommended Route to Youthful, Clear Skin2024-10-11T09:53:53-05:00

Broccoli Crunch Slaw


Get your cruciferous veggies in with this Broccoli Crunch Slaw recipe from our Director of Administration and Facility Operations, Genevieve Gouaux! This unique, nourishing side dish is a great one to bring to the dinner table.

Broccoli Crunch Slaw2023-04-05T08:51:28-05:00

Our Dietitian’s 5 Rules of Thumb for Healthier Eating Habits


Making changes to your nutrition habits can be difficult — we get it. That’s why baby steps are the way to go when it comes to food. Of course, since attaining a perfect, ideal diet right away isn’t always realistic, the important thing is just to begin moving in that direction. Discover five pieces of advice from our registered dietitian, Christaney Townsend, for simple, daily steps you can take to get the most out of your diet.

Our Dietitian’s 5 Rules of Thumb for Healthier Eating Habits2025-01-31T11:49:37-06:00

The Secret to Healing Joint Pain and Improving Posture


You probably know of chiropractic treatment and physical therapy for pain relief and posture work, but did you know there is also a specific branch of training that teaches your body to heal itself on its own? The ELDOA method involves a variety of one-minute exercises specific to a certain joint or area of the body that are designed to self-normalize those tissues. These exercises are very specific and sometimes complex stretches — more adeptly called “extreme end-range contractions.”

The Secret to Healing Joint Pain and Improving Posture2023-11-10T09:37:47-06:00

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