Welcome to the PALM Health Blog! Here we share provider insights, articles, and tips on how to maintain and sustain total well-being. If you would like us to address a particular topic, please contact us.
How Your Emotions Influence Your Heart Health
Think about a time when you felt angry, anxious, or stressed. Maybe you had a big exam, an argument with a loved one, or a jarring emotional situation. It’s likely that your heart started to race, your breathing became quick and shallow, and you felt yourself start to tremble. Your muscles tensed up. Maybe you even felt dizzy or nauseous.
Mindful Eating for a Healthy Weight and a Happy Gut
Imagine you’re on a diet, but one day, you have an irresistible craving for a cookie, which isn’t a part of your diet. But you just have to have the cookie, so you decide to eat one. How do you go about eating that cookie? Do you stand over the sink and eat it quickly to get it over with and fulfill your craving? Or do you sit down, put the cookie on a plate, make a cup of tea, and really take the time to savor every bite?
Balance Your Exercise with a Well-Rounded Fitness Plan
Have you been thinking about starting a workout routine, but just don’t know where to start? There are many types of training out there, and it can be confusing and difficult to navigate where to begin, how to structure a routine, and how to choose the right kind of exercise for you. Maybe you already have a fitness routine but aren’t seeing results or getting satisfaction from it. Regardless of the reason, if you are looking to start or change your routine, it’s important to consider the different aspects of a well-rounded fitness plan.
Find the “Why” Behind Your Goals
“New year, new me!” You’ve probably heard this optimistic phrase, and probably even used it at some point. It’s that time of year when many people are aiming for a fresh start, making New Year’s resolutions, and setting goals for the year. Do you want to eat healthier? Exercise more? Start meditating? Improve your relationships?
The 5 Ps of Functional Medicine
Did you know that over half of the adult population has been diagnosed with at least one chronic health condition? Heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and arthritis are all common forms of chronic illness that you may be familiar with, or even have experienced yourself.
How to Keep Your Skin Glowing All Winter
Did you know that your skin loses more than 25% of its ability to hold moisture in the wintertime? As the colder weather creeps in, the air becomes drier and actually pulls moisture from your skin. Not only that, but your heaters and fireplaces also have a dehydrating and drying effect. Take a look at these five tips from PALM Health’s lead esthetician, Tommy Tenholder, on how to adjust your skincare routine during the colder months.