
Blog Articles

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Welcome to the PALM Health Blog! Here we share provider insights, articles, and tips on how to maintain and sustain total well-being. If you would like us to address a particular topic, please contact us.

Stimulating the Vagus Nerve: How to Calm Stress, Ease Anxiety, and More

Meet the “jack of all trades” of your body: the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a bit of a hot topic in the health and wellness sphere right now — and for good reason. It affects or is directly involved in dozens of physiological processes that influence how you feel on a day-to-day basis — from digestion to breathing to the stress response. So, what exactly is the vagus nerve and how does it function?

July 30th, 2024|Functional Medicine|

Soma Training: Your Solution to Restrictive Joint Pain

Do you struggle with joint pain that inhibits your ability to stay active? Conditions like arthritis, tendinopathy, and even just generalized inflammation in the joints can make everyday activities a challenge, let alone training or working out. But, it’s still important — in fact, probably even more important — for those with joint problems to stay active. Staying sedentary and losing fitness due to pain can lead to other issues down the line, such as a weakened musculoskeletal system, a decline in energy, and decreased longevity. The long and short of it? Joint pain does not have to stand in the way of staying active and fit.

July 15th, 2024|Functional Medicine|

5 Ways to Train Your Brain to Concentrate

Imagine you’re sitting in a meeting for work. Your boss is talking about planning for the next quarter. You have a notebook out and you’re scribbling notes. Then, you hear a ding from your phone, which is lying face-down on the table next to you. You start to wonder who it’s from, what it’s about, and if you need to check it. You quickly glance at it to make sure it’s not something pressing. In the time since you first heard the ding, you’ve completely switched gears in your brain and missed several minutes of discussion on the next quarter’s goals.

June 24th, 2024|Functional Medicine|

Feeling Down for the Count? Here’s How IV Therapy Can Bring You Back Up

Feeling low energy lately? Getting sick more often than usual? Feel like your body just isn’t recovering as well as it should from day to day? A lot of these symptoms can be associated with a deficiency or dip in essential vitamins and nutrients. There are many ways you can address those deficiencies or bolster your natural concentrations of essential nutrients, but one of the fastest and most direct ways to do so is intravenously, also known as IV drip therapy.

May 17th, 2024|Functional Medicine|

Five Ways to Relieve Allergies and Improve Vitality

It’s that time of year again — sneezing, itching, sniffling, and coughing. Chances are, you’re one of the 24 million Americans who experience seasonal allergies, and you’re familiar with the toll it can take on your body. Due to both the symptoms of seasonal allergies, and the physiological process your body goes through when reacting to an allergen, your health can suffer more than usual during this time of year. And oftentimes, allergy medicines only provide temporary relief. It’s important to keep in mind your body’s overall well-being when dealing with allergies, and not just treat the isolated symptoms.

April 10th, 2024|Functional Medicine|
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