Welcome to the PALM Health Blog! Here we share provider insights, articles, and tips on how to maintain and sustain total well-being. If you would like us to address a particular topic, please contact us.
The Secret to Healing Joint Pain and Improving Posture
You probably know of chiropractic treatment and physical therapy for pain relief and posture work, but did you know there is also a specific branch of training that teaches your body to heal itself on its own? The ELDOA method involves a variety of one-minute exercises specific to a certain joint or area of the body that are designed to self-normalize those tissues. These exercises are very specific and sometimes complex stretches — more adeptly called “extreme end-range contractions.”
Improve Your Longevity with These 6 Services
“Longevity” has become something of a buzzword in the health and wellness space. So what is it? Longevity is, by definition, a long life or existence. When we talk about longevity as it relates to health and wellness, specifically, we are referring to the length of your years when your body and mind are as healthy, fit, and high-functioning as possible.
How Positive and Negative Emotions Influence Your Heart Health
Think about a time when you felt angry, anxious, or stressed. Maybe you had a big exam, an argument with a loved one, or a jarring emotional situation. It’s likely that your heart started to race, your breathing became quick and shallow, and you felt yourself start to tremble. Your muscles tensed up. Maybe you even felt dizzy or nauseous.
The 4 Types of Training Every Fitness Plan Should Include
Have you been thinking about starting a workout routine, but just don’t know where to start? Maybe you already have a fitness routine but aren’t seeing results or getting satisfaction from it. Regardless of the reason, if you are looking to start or change your routine, it’s important to consider the different aspects of a well-rounded fitness plan. There are many types of training out there, and it can be confusing and difficult to navigate where to begin, how to structure a routine, and how to choose the right kind of exercise for you.
7 Expert-Recommended Cooking Tips for a Healthier Diet
Food is one of the most important factors in weight management, gut function, and overall health. Learn tips and suggestions for incorporating healthy cooking and nutrition habits into your routine, from our registered dietitian and functional nurse practitioner.
The Doctor-Designed Way to Reach and Maintain a Healthy Weight
Drastic diets and calorie restriction rarely get long-lasting weight management results. Learn how to lose weight the healthy and sustainable way by addressing your nutrition, movement, and stress, including information on our personalized weight management program.