

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe from Katheryn Scauzzo


They may be small, but they're mighty! Chia seeds are a nutrient powerhouse packed with dietary fiber, protein, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Just a one-ounce serving of this superfood comes chock full of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Dietitian Katheryn Scauzzo shares her personal Chia Seed Pudding recipe to prepare as a healthy breakfast or snack.

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe from Katheryn Scauzzo2020-09-10T08:50:19-05:00

Root Vegetable Salad Recipe from Dr. Varsha Rathod


We all know the importance of washing our hands and social distancing to keep our immune system healthy, but what about improving your immune health from the inside out? Our immune system is linked to our gut microbiome, so maintaining a healthy gut is crucial to preventing illness. Dr. Varsha Rathod, integrative and functional medicine physician, recommends the following recipe for Russian Root Vegetable Salad to support your gut health.

Root Vegetable Salad Recipe from Dr. Varsha Rathod2020-07-30T16:43:51-05:00

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