
Connect with a Navigator

Connect with us to purchase a One Week Membership at PALM Health.

Connect with a Navigator2024-10-15T16:13:09-05:00

Ready for your week of well-being? Our Navigators will help you get started.

Connect with one of our Navigators to purchase a One Week Membership and start scheduling services.

On this call, your Navigator will help you:

  • Purchase a One Week Membership and complete any necessary intake forms
  • Schedule services you’d like to try during the week
  • Answer any questions you have about PALM Health and our approach

kim cellaMeet Navigator Kim Cella

“I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to Kim Cella for getting me in with Dr. Karrie Hohn over the last couple of weeks. I came to PALM Health because I knew letting months pass by with pain was probably not the right thing to do. With all of her help and support, I am 100% sure I made the right decision. Thank you, Kim!” – PALM Member

Annie BeathMeet Navigator Annie Beath

“Annie has been so helpful in explaining the different membership options to me! I’m very happy with the membership type I chose and am looking forward to continued healing at PALM Health!” – PALM Member

personalized medicine + wellness

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