Virtual or at PALM
Initial Visit / $450
Extended Visit / $375
These visits are available à la carte to, or are included in, select membership and program types. See a Navigator for details.
If you have cardiovascular disease or a high risk of developing it, Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra, our preventive cardiologist, uses a comprehensive assessment of risk factors and health status to create an individualized program that helps you manage, rehabilitate, and prevent cardiovascular disease. Blending the best of nutrition, fitness, stress management, and leading-edge technologies, your PALM team helps you stay on the path to heart health.
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) Test
15 Minutes / $325
Carotid Intima Media Thickness (CIMT) is a non-invasive diagnostic test for early cardiovascular disease. Early detection of cardiovascular disease allows you to develop a treatment plan to protect your cardiovascular health and prevent the occurrence of heart attack or stroke. The CIMT Test consists of an ultrasound of the carotid arteries located in your neck. It is a safe and painless test that only takes ten minutes in a medical room. The test also includes an assessment of any plaque in your arteries. With this test you will receive an “age” of your arteries. You can follow your CIMT over time. With treatment, you can improve your CIMT score and reverse any inflammation in your arteries.