Coaching and Counseling Introduction

Virtual Only (Phone Call)

15 Minutes / Free

Available to all membership levels.

Interested in improving your emotional health, strengthening relationships, developing a deeper sense of life satisfaction, or making meaningful changes, but not sure where to begin? In this introductory session, you will have a telephone call with a coach who will advise you on the best providers and services to get started.

Counseling Intake

Virtual or at PALM

55 Minutes / $200

Available to all membership levels.

During this counseling intake session, a licensed therapist will complete a thorough review of your personal history and goals. You will work with the therapist to gain insight and a deeper understanding of the support and next steps required to address your needs through an integrated approach to mental and emotional well-being.

Counseling – Individual Therapy

Virtual or at PALM

55 Minutes / $175
45 Minutes / $135
30 Minutes / $105

Available to all membership levels.

Therapy sessions can help both individuals and families overcome obstacles to their well-being. Many issues and concerns are difficult to face alone; talking about them with a licensed therapist can help increase an individuals’ self-knowledge, understanding, and resiliency. These therapy sessions are designed to equip individuals with the skills needed to develop healthy coping behaviors, change negative thought patterns, and manage daily life. EMDR therapy is also available with select providers if clients are interested. New clients typically start with a Counseling Intake before scheduling these counseling sessions.

Counseling – Family Therapy

with Ashley Wiegand

Virtual or at PALM

55 Minutes / $175
45 Minutes / $135
30 Minutes / $105

Available to all membership levels.

Therapy sessions can help both individuals and families overcome obstacles to their well-being. Many issues and concerns are difficult to face alone; talking about them with a licensed therapist can help increase an individuals’ self-knowledge, understanding, and resiliency. These therapy sessions are designed to equip individuals with the skills needed to develop healthy coping behaviors, change negative thought patterns, and manage daily life. New clients typically start with a Counseling Intake before scheduling these counseling sessions.

Personalized Wellness Consult

with a Counselor

Virtual or at PALM

50 Minutes / $108

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service.

Your path to well-being optimization and stress management begins here. Meet with a counselor to discuss your wellness goals and chart a path to improved resilience. You will receive recommendations that include lifestyle practices, PALM service offerings, and wellness therapies to help you reduce stress and improve health in mind and body. We recommend starting with this service to plan your stress management and resilience pathway.

Cardiac Coherence

Virtual or at PALM

45 Minutes / $108

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service.

Get to the heart of your nervous system. Cardiac Coherence sessions — also known as heart rate variability biofeedback sessions — focus on helping you monitor and change your heart rhythms to balance the autonomic nervous system and achieve balance between rest-and-digest and fight-or-flight systems. The result is better emotional control, decreased stress and anxiety, and enhanced healing.

Health Coaching

Virtual or at PALM

50 Minutes / $108
30 Minutes / $65

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service (50-Minute Session only).

Make your health a partnership. Our health coaches partner with you to help you make positive lifestyle changes to improve your mental and physical health. Our health coaching sessions use a client-centered approach to guide you in taking responsibility for your health, discovering new possibilities and solutions, taking action to meet your goals, overcoming obstacles to your well-being, and facilitating lasting changes. Ongoing coaching sessions can help improve relationships, work-life balance, and overall life satisfaction.

Learn more about the benefits of health coaching and how to get started.

Well-Being Coaching

Virtual or at PALM

50 Minutes / $108
85 Minutes / $155
6-Pack of 85-Minute Sessions / $860

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service (50-Minute Session only).

Reach your full potential! Discover well-being with a Certified Well-Being Coach using a comprehensive approach to lifestyle transformation, stress management, and growth in self-awareness. During this coaching you will engage in co-active coaching sessions and may embark on the Know Yourself DVD series designed by the Anthropedia Foundation in conjunction with the Center for Well-Being at Washington University School of Medicine.

Coaching can help you to:

Balance life. Learn to cope with difficult challenges in the workplace, improve relationships, and achieve work-life balance.

Attain your health goal. Your health coach will work with you to achieve goals defined by your physicians through co-active lifestyle coaching, coordination of care planning, and communication.

Be proactive. Lifestyle coaches partner with you to inspire change and help you focus on taking action to realize your visions and goals.

Calm down. Learn techniques focused on stress management, self-awareness, relaxation, meditation, and resilience.

Find purpose and inspiration. Engage in techniques to foster self-awareness and mindfulness.

Art for Well-Being

Virtual or at PALM


60 Minutes / $138
45 Minutes / $108

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service (45-Minute Private 1:1 Session only).

Discover the vibrant relationship between creative expression and well-being. In this private session, either one-on-one or in a private small group, our Art for Well-Being instructor will teach you how the visual arts can be used as an expressive tool that helps you adapt to life challenges, allows you to observe your world in a productive way, and enhances the brain’s natural ability to form new connections, thus enabling you to grow in well-being. Participants will focus on contemplative and self-awareness artwork through painting, drawing, collaging, and/or printmaking.

TCI Personality Assessment and Interpretation

Virtual or at PALM

60 Minutes / $165

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service.

Get to know yourself. The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) is a potent tool for helping individuals grow in self-awareness. It is designed to be a comprehensive inventory of personality and emotions — that is, the way a person tends to think, feel, and act. Studies have shown the TCI to be a valid and reliable measure of personality in a variety of contexts and cultures.

Ready to schedule a Coaching and Counseling service?

Connect with our Reception team to schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

personalized medicine + wellness