with Ashley Wiegand
Virtual* or at PALM
Neurofeedback Initial with qEEG / 90 Minutes / $795 (at PALM Only)
qEEG Review Session / 30 Minutes / No additional cost
Neurofeedback Training Session / 30 Minutes / $108 (Choice Pack Service)
Neurofeedback Training Session / 45 Minutes / $144
Neurofeedback Training Session / 60 Minutes / $192
Pack of Remote Neurofeedback Training Sessions / Monthly / Price variable (Virtual Only)
*Virtual training is conducted through a telehealth session with the neurotherapist. Virtual training sessions require access to remote neurofeedback software and hardware.
Available to all membership levels.
Neurofeedback, or neurotherapy, is a learning technique often called “brain training.” It is used to help a variety of conditions including ADHD, anxiety, depression, chronic stress, memory problems, headaches and migraines, post-concussive symptoms, and sleep issues. Neurofeedback teaches the brain to shift from problematic brainwave patterns that underlie difficulties like excessive worrying or attention deficits to more regulated brainwave patterns.