Nigel Lester, MD
Through his kindhearted and extensive clinical experience, Nigel focuses on helping others to become and stay healthy, positive, inspired, productive, and resilient in the face of stress and life’s challenges. As an active member of the Anthropedia Foundation, he has contributed to the development of their world-renowned Well-Being Coaching model. He has helped create coaching programs to support mental health around the world, including with the homeless in St. Louis and refugees in Sweden. Nigel trained in psychiatry at University College London and St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York City, and was formerly on faculty in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine. Nigel is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry.
Psychiatry, Well-Being Coaching
Treatment of Depression, Family Therapy, Mental Illness Prevention
Interested in seeing Dr. Lester? Connect with one of our PALM Navigators to get started.
“Dr. Nigel Lester and his medical assistant are very good and extremely helpful. Dr. Lester is an incredibly important doctor for PALM Health and my health.”
“Dr. Lester embodies the best of professional care, concern, and holistic practice. He is warm, attentive, understanding, and accepting of patients’ humanity.”